Minnesota Women’s Press – Ecolution #2: Collectives | Oct. 16, 2020
Sources: https://www.womenspress.com/ecolution-2-collectives/
We talked with Angela Dawson, founder of a hemp farm co-op based in Central Minnesota, about why and how
In our first clip from the Angela Dawson interview, she talked about why 40 Acre Co-op needed to be created.
Angela talked about what the co-op model offers.
What does it mean to have a feminized hemp plant and industry?
Why a co-op? Why Super Woman? What can we do to support Black farmers?
Ecolution Series #2
Source: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Co-op-Economies--Ecolution-Collective--2A.html?soid=1101172985497&aid=vZP38WudGXE
Collaborative, collective partnerships generate community-based wealth and health.
Ecolutionaries (and yes, we made that word up) are not passive readers who simply “like” stories. They have ideas, resources, and storytellers to share — and are consumers who want to put their dollar where their values are. We ask Collective members:
Who should we learn from next?
What related issue do you care about?
Ecolution Collective is created by Minnesota Women's Press, a storytelling pioneer since 1985.